At we welcome the decision of the HSE to roll out the vaccinations to our most vulnerable in society our Nursing Home Residents and the wonderful staff who care for them 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
Nursing Homes will soon be the safest place to be for older persons in need of care and once the vaccination process is completed for Nursing Home’s hopefully the lives of Residents will be able to return to normal where they can enjoy regular visits from their loved ones and relatives.
Home caring is very challenging during the Pandemic as to keep the cared person safe entire families are having to exercise extreme caution in their movements maintaining social distancing etc. This can be very difficult if persons in the house are having to go to work, School, or college.
Unfortunately, just because we have a pandemic people do not stop being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and Dementia or other ailments that result in them requiring long term care. Indeed, the isolation that social distancing and the precautions that we all need to take to prevent the transmission of the virus has accelerated some people’s need for long term care.
Thankfully, Nursing Homes Owners and Staff have continued to accept new Residents throughout the Pandemic providing the care that our relatives and friends needs.
If your relative requires long term care apply today and avoid unnecessary delays in them being able to avail of the care and the safe environment that they need.
If you need advice on long term care and the Fair Deal, please call us at 086 601 5042 or email me at For further information visit
Tom Murray
Managing Director
One of the biggest issues with the Nursing Home Support Scheme/Fair Deal is the amount of misinformation that unfortunately people listen to and believe....
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