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HSE Issues amended Nursing Home Support Scheme Application form to take account of changes for Farming and Business Owners

With the amendments to the Nursing Home Support Scheme finally coming into effect from the 20th of October 2021 the HSE have now issued an amended application form with an additional section for Farmers and Business Owners looking to avail of the three- year cap. Please find below the link to the new application form.

Application Form: https://www2.hse.ie/file-library/fair-deal/nursing-home-support-scheme-application-form.pdf

Nursing Home Support Scheme Application form
The additional sections of the application form are found on pages 11 to 14 and contain some explanations of the changes as well as the additional information now required. Interestingly to safeguard the HSE from possible abuse/fraud by applicant and to ensure compliance to the rules under which the amendment works, a charge is created over the business or farm to ensure that the 6-year continuity rule is followed which basically means that the farm or business must be operated for a period of 6 years by the applicant’s family or nominated successor. At the end of the six-year period the charge will be removed once it has been proven to the HSE that the farm or business has continued to be farmed or operated by the family or nominated successor.

These amendments can be confusing and difficult to follow so if you require clarity and advice on these changes please contact Fair Deal Advice by phone 086 601 5042 or email advice@fairdealadvice.ie and we will be able to advise you, if you will qualify for these amendments and explain how they will work for you.